frequently asked questions

I'm a nonprofit – how can I work with Hello Light?

Each year we interview an pick one nonprofit partner. If you're interested, contact us and we'll get back to you with next steps.

How can I contribute?

The most direct want to contribute is by donating. Another way is to tell someone about the work we're doing - a nonprofit, a creative or someone who would want to support this type of work. You can also follow us on social media.

I want to join the team – how does that work?

Our dream is to build a community of top level, like minded creatives that want to make the world a better place. If you're interested, contact us.

Are my donation tax deductible?

Yes! We partner with The Cause so all of the donations are tax deductible.

Can I copy what you're doing in my own community?

That would be amazing! Contact us and we can find ways to empower you to make this happen.

What is the the heart behind Hello Light?

We’re all made to make something.

When we know Jesus, we feel the pull to make something that answers the call to make his kingdom come. We’re made to use our gifts to do something amazing, meaningful and bring God’s kingdom to earth — but sometimes it is hard to find the right project, or we’re not quite ready to quit our day jobs to start something from scratch.

We wanted to create a space where top level creatives can use / volunteer their creative superpowers to provide a vetted, underdog non-profit with all the resources they need to tell their story in a beautiful and compelling way. Then that non-profit will have the freedom to fully focus on their mission and transform the world for good.

By helping others accomplish their mission, the Hello Light team becomes part of something meaningful, real, impactful and eternal. The creative craft may not be the light the world needs but we can use it to fuel the ones on the front lines — so their light can burn even brighter.

With processes honed over years of work in the creative industry, we've also created a space where donor could confidently invest in creativity as a tool for changing the world for good.